August 13, 2009

With apologies to Carson McCullers, I stole her title The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. Why? It just seemed to fit my situation at this particular time in my life. You see, I'm in my mid 30s, married with a recently turned teenager, and at some point in the past couple of years, my heart began a lonely hunt as it so wont to do. I walked away from a career in pharmaceutical research and began the journey to become a physician. I'd like to think I'm a bit wiser now than I would have been straight out of college. I want to take each step through this long journey deliberately and experience every nuance of it - the highs, the lows, the despair, the rewards. Everything. Blogging has helped me to be deliberate before so here I am. This blog is then a record of my journey with all my baggage in tow.

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