August 3, 2013

all the world's indeed a stage

Like most, I first read it in high school.  And probably like most other people, that was the only time I read it.  Too old.  Too many strange words.  Too many long, drawn out speeches.  Completely unable to relate to the modern world.  Lacking the life experience then, I never thought much of the highly acclaimed play Hamlet.  Until now.  I just reread it.  As my dad said, "interesting choice of leisure reading."  I am blown away by Ol' Will's ability to string words together.  Granted, I had to look a lot of them up as I'm no scholar in old English but as I moved towards to what is arguably in my mind some of the finest writing ever in the Western World, I had tears brought to my eyes as I read Hamlet's soliloquy debating whether life is worth living.  For most people, it's a no brainer.  But having been run through time after time after time......I. Grasp. Every. Single. Word. Of Hamlet's dilemma. Not on an intellectual level as something to be studied and dissected, but on an experiential level.  How many times must, or even can, a man endure "The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" before we question whether or not "to end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to?" and answer it thusly, "Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished."  This man not only commands language like few in history are capable of, but he knows the depth and darkness of what it means to be wounded and the associated weariness of tolerating further wounds upon the very soul.  I could go on but I do it no justice.  Just watch Mel Gibson's performance below.  You may have to watch it more than once.  You may need to have the words if you're not familiar with it.  They can be found here.


Anonymous said...

I sure wish you would write me so I know you are ok.

Isaac said...

Being anonymous, that makes it a wee bit difficult to write you.